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Brian D'Angelo 2007

Associate Creative Director, RES Exhibit Services

Job Description:

As Associate Creative Director, I work with a team of exhibit designers, engineers and graphic designers to help our clients brand come to life in a physical space. Tradeshow exhibit design requires a focus on applying visual design to a 3D environment, crafting experiences and brand journeys for attendees, and the logistics of building that space and taking it down in a short timeframe. My position required strong skills in time management, tight deadlines, spacial relation, client interaction, presentation of work, and relying on a diverse team of experts to concept and create truly unique environments. Its a job that wears many hats, with graphic design and branding at the center of it all.

Career Path:

Graphic Designer, Bob Wright Creative (2007-2009)

Art Director, Mirror Show Management (2009-2012)

Associate Creative Director, RES Exhibit Services (2012-Present)

Personal Accomplishments:

My family is my number one accomplishment. My amazing wife Ariana, and our two children - Ria Kay and Rowan Duncan, are the reasons I do what I do everyday. They are what truly matter.

Additional Comments:

Learning doesn't end at graduation, but Roberts provided me with a strong foundation and the diverse skills needed to enter the job market and be competitive. Beyond that, the relationships I built while on campus have stayed with me today. To me, those relationships are even more important than the education I received.


Christina (Ford) Palma, 2012

Job Description:

As a photographer, I have the joy and privilege of photographing a lot of memorable moments; the times in life that everyone wants to last forever. From capturing a baby’s first photos, getting that perfect image for the graduating senior, to photographing a bride walking down the aisle; I get to be a part of many life changing events with my clients. The photography industry is a high-pressure industry; not only do I have to be original and creative while capturing these once in a lifetime events, more times than not I have mere seconds to photograph these feelings and emotions before they are over. While I have learned a lot through the years, this challenge gives me the creative drive to continue growing as an artist. When I am not behind the camera the bulk of my time is spent editing photos, which I absolutely love doing.

A new endeavor I have taken on is lifestyle blogging. I simply write about the things I am passionate about in hopes of encouraging people, more specifically women, to pursue their endeavors and recognize they are not alone in their struggles. Some of my passions include faith, family, fashion, photography, art, and home decor. In an image driven culture my photography knowledge has fueled my social media presence and given me a head start in reaching my audience.

Career Path:

Photographer, C R Photos 2010-present 

Blogger, 2015-present 

Personal Accomplishments:

My greatest accomplishment is being a wife to the man who showed me there is an art to photography. Without his support and encouragement, I would not be doing what I love today. My second greatest accomplishment is being a mom. There is nothing that brings my husband and I more joy and satisfaction than my daughter's smiling face!

Additional Comments:

Working in a field that is ever-changing requires a strong educational background. I am so thankful that both myself and my husband chose Roberts as the foundation to start our careers. Having grown and matured since graduation, I truly understand just how valuable my education was in providing me with the stepping stones I needed to start and grow a business. One of the greatest things I learned from my time at Roberts was to always be learning; it’s for that reason I spend a significant amount of time researching and educating myself to grow in my field which I can contribute to my success as a photographer. To this day I still feel supported by the professors who invested their time and energy into my future, and nothing feels better than knowing people believe in you.

RJ Clarke, 2010

Job Description:

As a Senior Graphic Designer at BLR, I create a variety of marketing collateral for print and digital markets. I work with marketers, writers, editors, management, and other designers to release full advertising campaigns for physical products, large-scale events, and digital subscriptions. As an Interactive Lead, I help to create and maintain standards for our digital markets, including email campaigns, e-newsletters, advertisements, web, and mobile apps.

Career Path:

Motion Graphics/App Production, FlyingWord Inc. (2010-2015)
Co-Founder/Designer, afewguys llc (2013-Present)
Senior Graphic Designer/Interactive Lead, Business Legal Resources (2015-Present)

Personal Accomplishments:

Since 2013, I've been designing and producing apps with "afewguys", an LLC I formed with two friends of mine. We've dabbled in mobile games, developed apps for festivals and churches, and (my favorite project) created a gamified productivity app with over 65k users called Raise the Bar. We're continuously improving ourselves and the app: www.afewguys.com/rtb

Additional Comments:

Branching out to follow my own creative passions in my spare time has been the most rewarding experience post-education. Not only does it allow you to enhance your skills outside of "real life" work, but it creates a place where you can (unintentionally) track how much you're learning and growing. It's pretty neat.


Carpenter Hall - B. Coon - School Arts & Humanities - 585.594.6126 - visualart@3600151.com