首页 - 研究生 - 项目 - 幼儿和特殊教育,M.Ed.




Become a New York State certified teacher in Early Childhood Education (birth-grade 2) and Students with Disabilities (birth-grade 2) through this affordable and flexible dual certification program, developed for working adults who want to become teachers.


Do you need questions about the program and the admissions process answered? 通过电子邮件联系 age-admissions@罗伯茨.edu or 和美高梅mgm平台的大人预约一下 & 研究生招生代表.


Earn Initial 老师 Certification in Rochester, NY

  • 2024年8月26日


获取更多信息 by clicking below to request details on our program admissions, 课程, 学费, 和更多的.






为什么选择M ?.Ed. 在罗伯茨?

A Master’s degree from 美高梅mgm平台 in Early Childhood and Special Education offers an excellent advantage. With a profound need for teachers in the early childhood classroom today, many young children benefit from coaching and early intervention.

Early Childhood programs require trained educational professionals who offer positive behavior support, 以优雅和耐心支持学生. If you want a teaching license that allows you to be a part of community organizations that support children, 为有特殊需要的学习者开设的托儿中心, and the formulation of new alternative learning programs, 硕士学位是必不可少的资产.

Our Early Childhood and Special Education master's degree equips baccalaureate graduates with evidence-based practices and field experiences they can use in early childhood classrooms and intervention programs.

The Early Childhood and Special Education program consists of four terms and students can complete courses in a hybrid format. Half of the courses in the program are provided asynchronously online and the other half are face-to-face courses that meet at the 美高梅mgm平台 main campus.


Work-friendly schedule (evening and online classes with full/part-time options)

Interview prep with local principals and superintendents

教师 coaching through the certification process


老师 Immersion Fellowship Program (paid work in schools while enrolled)




  • 老师


  • 罗彻斯特市学区
  • 特许学校
  • 公立学校
  • 私立学校

Early Childhood Education-Focused Learning in Every Term

As a student, you can expect to learn the following per term.


Your first term features core courses that will familiarize you with the foundations of lesson planning, 读写能力, 特殊教育. You will learn to identify teaching strategies that work in various contexts in different schools. You will formulate unit and lesson plans that conform to New York State Learning Standards.

The diversity of student backgrounds forms a defining characteristic of every New York classroom. Your first term will teach you the foundations of culturally responsive teaching.


Your second term will expand your understanding and application of 读写能力 and mathematics methods of instruction, 特殊教育评估, 积极主动地管理学习环境. 你将学习如何区分教学, adjusting your lesson plan to your students' results from various assessments aligned with New York State standards.


In your third term, you will learn about the cognitive, physical, and emotional development.

也, you will learn to work with families and caregivers of children enrolled in early childhood programs from birth to age seven. 另外, you will learn to use programs and applications to support instructional technology and adaptive needs.

Finally, you will complete a Master’s Project that connects re搜索 to your practice as an educator.


The final term in all 美高梅mgm平台 degree programs focuses on applying pedagogy and content knowledge in the classroom through student teaching. This phase supports continued development of teachers by providing experience through daily practice in the school and classroom.

A Capstone Seminar will allow you to thrive in various classroom environments using real-time situational analysis and role-playing scenarios with educators. You will learn to adjust to school cultures, laws, and changing professional ethics.

The final courses in your program feature supervised teaching experiences with college faculty members and school based mentor teachers.


The Early Childhood and Special Education program requires the completion of the following workshops, 测试, and seminars before earning a New York State certification:

  • 150小时的现场工作经验
  • 14周的学生教学实习
  • 认证考试
  • 国家规定的安全讲习班


青少年与特殊教育.Ed. - Prepare for New York State teaching certification and earn a Masters in Adolescence Education, as well as a Masters in Adolescence Special Education (Grades 7-12) in an affordable and flexible dual certification program developed for time constrained adults.
学校心理学硕士.S. - Our Masters in School Psychology program prepares students to evaluate, 诊断, 治疗儿童和青少年, 与家长和老师协商.
成人和研究生招生- 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu